
Showing posts from March, 2022

Lord let me have this dance

  How's it going? This week was great because transfers were last Monday and I'm staying in Victor Falls for another 6 weeks. I'm super excited about that and to be here until May where I can finally see some more sun and mount Rainier. We saw some pretty daggum good miracles this week. One of them is a NEW Luis. Not the old one but one who seriously just randomly showed up as a person in our area Book records a couple weeks ago. He wasn't a referral or anything but we went and visited thinking we just had to have forgotten him or something, but we got there and Luis let us right in and we got to know him and teach him. A couple weeks ago we also did some service for a guy and his family, who lived across the street from a member family. And this week we saw them walking into church unexpectedly, which was super hype. Anyways the week was good and Elder Char and I are still grinding it out in Victor Falls. Still tons of potential here that we feel like we're just on

Gather it

  How's it going? This week was quality. Not much really happened, there was zone conference and we invited our friend Ava to be baptized. I don't remember if I said this already but Ava is 17 and is one our ward members sons girlfriend. We just recently started teaching her and asked her to be baptized, which she said she wanted to talk to her parents about before making a decision. Our main focus right now is to make sure she is growing her testimony and faith mainly in our savior Jesus christ and his atonement and not solely in the Church, so she is being baptized for the right reasons and not for her boyfriend or others. She's awesome though and has a true desire to seek the truth. The members have been helping us a ton out here too ever since we started the new teams idea from our mission president. Everything's rolling along out her in Bonney Lake, WA and my companion and I are feeling like we're  firing on all cylinders with all the miracles and successes rec

Howl it up

  Hello everybody! This week was weird. I had to drive a biking elder, from the very bottom of our mission all the way to the top for a doctors appointment. It was a fun road trip I guess. We've been teaching a friend named Ava who will be on date most likely by my next email. Her boyfriend is in our ward/congregation and she's been around their family a lot and loves the Church, just wants to know more on it. She said she had a dream about being baptized but her parents couldn't come watch it. We obviously told her parents will definitely be able to come but my companion and I immediately just knew she was ready. We wanted her to pray on the Book of Mormon first though to receive her own witness of it. Other than that our friend Luis has been at a slight stand still the last three weeks. He's a workaholic right now so he hasn't been keeping commitments, but he said his work should be slowing down soon. Our friend Charles as well who we haven't been able to teac