
Showing posts from November, 2021

Quad Father

  Aloha people. Thanksgiving week was very nice. On Thanksgiving we raked leaves and baked cookies for people during the day then had dinner with a member family which was fun. I luckily stay in a member's basement, and they happen to work for a food bank that brings Costco food to their driveway Monday, Wednesday, Friday. So we got loaded on pies this week and got tons of leftovers from our member and Thanksgiving dinner. Huge blessing because last week we didn't have a lot of food and were out on our missionary funds. Finally had my first lesson inside someone's house haha(Not including lessons to members). And I ended up having two that same night. They both went very well and the spirit was crazy strong during both. I came out on the mission really wanting to help people feel the joy I've had from the gospel and I'm already starting to see it. We've also been did a lot of work with some inactive members in our ward too this week, who our bishop said was a mi


  Well hello everyone.  First week in the field is in the books and it was quality. A little slow adjusting of course but I've found the groove. I'm in a trio again which is sick, and my companions are Elder Duvachelle and Elder Nilsen. We're a young trio but we get the job done. We also cover two wards and the members are phenomenal. Happy Thanksgiving too. One thing I'm grateful is my door2door sales job I did this summer. It's definitely made it a whole lot easier talking to strangers out here and adjusting. Ninefold nation shoutout. Nothing major happened in my first week which of course was expected, but I have small little spiritual experiences that made this week super fun. I'll keep it short and simple again this week, but I love being a representative of Jesus Christ and sharing his love and light to everyone I see. I invite everyone to find different ways to share Jesus' love to someone you don't know. Even though it may be small things, sharin

Horn Down

Hello everyone, it's a great day to be alive. Today is my last day of the MTC and even though it was a great experience, I am excited to leave and go to Seattle tomorrow. I learned so much and was grateful for the opportunity to better myself as a missionary and strengthen my testimony more. I can't wait to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in Seattle and bring peace and joy into their lives. Now It's time to be fishers of men(see pic 1). The motto of the week is "Horns Down". "Big Truss woo woo"- Mark Ingram, Trust in God and put your faith in him, he loves us all and knows what's best for us. Alma 38:5 "And now my son,[insert Your name here] I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day."  Have a great week and keep up the grind. Jesus loves you

I guess I'm a Missionary

  Hey everybody!  Just spent two quality weeks in the MTC, one at home and one in Provo. It has been great so far. My companions are Elder Coverley and Elder Dusenberry. They really suck as companions and we do not get along at all. Just kidding, the chemistry is there between us three and we get along just fine. Our district is pretty cool too so I guess that makes us friends. But to be honest the only good thing here is the basketball court. I'm kidding again, being in person has been nothing but phenomenal. I have been able to feel the spirit so strong in class, especially when we do district testimony meetings. My companions and I have come a long way with our teaching skills and even though we are a trio our flow is smoother than silk now. For real though it's great, my testimony is strengthened every day. My teacher, Milo Kuhn, and Michael Scott have both taught me to Kiss. Gotcha it means Keep It Simple Stupid, so this is the end of the email. A few words before I go tho